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2021-01-16 @ 10:30:00 - 12:30:00 HKT

細閱只需 2 分鐘
Hong Kong is a city full of Chinese and foreigners, but is it an inclusive society? Do you know that the development of Tsim Sha Tsui is closely related to the history of South Asians emigrating to Hong Kong? Where exactly is “Little Nepal” in Hong Kong?
This guided tour will take you around the landmarks and historical buildings in Yau Tsim Mong District. We will also go deep into Chungking Mansion and “Little Nepal” in Jordan to uncover the mystery and discover the life and cultural customs of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. If you want to learn about the daily lives and the footsteps of ethnic minorities at a close distance, go signing up for this online live guided-tour to explore the legend of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong together with us!
日期 Date | 時間 Time | 語言 Language |
16/1/2021 (六 Sat) | 10:30 – 12:30 | 粵語 Cantonese |
17/1/2021 (日 Sun) | 10:30 – 12:30 | |
23/1/2021 (六 Sat) | 10:30 – 12:30 | |
15:00 – 17:00 | ||
24/1/2021 (日 Sun) | 10:30 – 12:30 | |
15:00 – 17:00 | 英語 English |
形式 Format |
以 Zoom 視像會議形式進行 Conducted online through Zoom video conference |
費用 Tour Fee |
全免 Free |
語言 Language |
1 月 24 日 15:00 場次用英語講解,其餘場次為粵語 The 15:00 tour on 24 January will be conducted in English. The remaining 5 tours are in Cantonese. |
協辦機構 Co-organizers |
油尖旺區議會社區共融工作小組 The Working Group on Community Integration of Yau Tsim Mong District Council 香港民間古蹟保育基金 Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation Limited |
贊助 Sponsor |
油尖旺區議會 Yau Tsim Mong District Council |
技術及行政支援 Technical and administrative support |
活現香港(文化)有限公司 Walk In Hong Kong Limited |