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Pathway to Product Design 通往產品設計的道路
2021-01-20 @ 11:00:00 - 2021-01-26 @ 15:00:00 HKT

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Pathway to Product Design
A Dialog withEmily Tang, Co-founder of Studio Doozy
Featuring PolyU Product Design students
While we use thousands of amazing products in everyday life, have you ever thought of where these things that give us so much convenience and useful functions came from? Product Design is not just about creating beautiful things. It is a field of knowledge backed by numerous researches, user tests, scientific calculations, engineering, aesthetic directions, sustainability and materials technologies put together by teams of professionals behind.
Emily Tang is currently developing healthcare and lifestyle-related products and services to serve the local and global healthcare community. She is the Co-Founder of Studio Doozy, a healthcare design technology firm that strives to redesign aging. They work with a bottom-up approach and engage the end-users throughout their design process. She graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design with an Industrial and Product Design bachelor’s degree and her project ‘Libue’, a toilet for Parkinson’s disease patients and their families was a James Dyson Award Hong Kong winner.
Join the dialog with us!
20 Jan (Wed) 11AM English
26 Jan (Tue) 4PM Cantonese, supplemented with English
All are welcome, particularly the students who are exploring their future career path and their parents and teachers.
與設計師、Studio Doozy創辦人鄧曉瑩對話
鄧曉瑩(Emily)畢業於香港理工大學設計學院工業及產品設計文學士課程,乃StudioDoozy的聯合創辦人,致力發展醫療及生活相關的產品與服務,為本地以至全球社群服務。其公司主要重塑老化人口的生活模式及提升質素,由下而上地與用家一起設計最適合需要的產品。Emily的大學畢業作品「Libue」為她帶來不少獎項及媒體注視,其中包括James Dyson Award香港冠軍。
1月20日(三) 上午11時 英語
1月26日(二) 下午4時 廣東話(輔以英語)